How do I register?
A new register will soon be opened for self-employed persons to register in advance and be eligible for a new call for aid. As in the last call, the persons who register will be considered applicants for the aid without having to do any other kind of action and may benefit if they meet the requirements set out in the corresponding call.
How long does the call last?
Registration time: from 9 a.m. on February 19 to February 3 p.m. on February 26.
What are the requirements?
- Have the tax domicile in a municipality of Catalonia.
- Be in a position of discharge in the RETA or in a mutuality as an alternative system to reta before January 1, 2021.
- Maintain his discharge as a self-employed person on an uninterrupted basis until 28 February 2021 and maintain his discharge at least uninterrupted, until 28 February 2021.
- The taxable amount of income tax on natural persons in the last available year of the applicant must be EUR 35,000 or less, if it is eligible for the individual taxation system, and of the same amount, in relation to the part of the tax base corresponding to the applicant, if it is eligible for the joint taxation system.
- The net return on the year-round 2020 should not exceed EUR 17,500. In the event that the last discharge as a self-employed person is later than 1 January 2020, the amount of net income from the activity cannot exceed the result of multiplying the number of days of registration as an autonomous worker during 2020 by EUR 47.95.
- Comply with the requirements of Article 13 of Law 38/2003 of 17 November on grants and other applicable regulations.
- Have no aid granted, in accordance with Resolution TSF/1270/2020, June 3, which opens the call for grants to promote the self-employment of young people enrolled in the Youth Guarantee programme by 2020, under the shock plan of Decree Law 16/2020 of 5 May on additional urgent measures on transparency, social aid, recruitment and mobility to deal with COVID-19.